16 November 2006

a beginning

i've been contemplating this idea for a long time...a place to explore thoughts with words. i think i have a love/hate relationship with technology and have always been a little bit hesitant to put myself out there, so to speak, to this vast, often faceless world of the internet. what i have witnessed though, over the past year or so of reading my friends' blogs, is that i love seeing little snapshots of people living their lives, of the ways their minds and hearts spill forth through their attempts at connecting and sharing the stories of their days.

connection has felt a bit elusive to me these days, and i recognize that i need to be the one to take the steps to begin to try and foster that in my life again. as we find ourselves spread out both in our various stages of life and geographically, my longing is to hold on more tightly than ever to the people in my life who have loved me and made my life richer because of their presence and their friendship.

this new venture is an attempt to crawl outside of myself, to play with language and words, and to think deliberately about what it means to navigate this life in a manner that is full of beautiful possibility. i have no idea how often i will feel like i have something to share, but i'm willing to give it a try.

so a fond hello to all of you out there in this blogging world. this is me.


Bree said...

It's been a long time coming...So glad it is finally here! I am excited to read all the treasure I know that I will find here. Congrats and good luck in the adventure of blogging.

vthatcher said...

Welcome to the Brave New World of techno relating Ame! Not that I've done it yet, but I'll be excited to read your various musings! Love ya

Kari said...

Hurray! Glad to see you've joined the bandwagon, I am excited to add another blog to my "must read" list and to catch up with what's going on in your life. We miss you!

Chris Gough said...

hey aj,
welcome to the inter-net! i am looking forward to keeping posted on what is going on with you, and it was good to see you at the annual meeting tuesday...even if it was just a head nod!
- chris

Kristen Gough said...

thrilled. i am thrilled. finally! i loved your introduction, amy, and i anticipate so many more beautiful posts. thank you for taking the plunge.

Eliza said...

Welcome! :)

amy said...

thanks to everyone for saying hello and making me feel so welcome! i look forward to seeing where this little space of mine takes me. have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I’m proud of you missy! I’m not a blogger myself nor do I usually read blogs but now you have given me reason to read at least one! You have such true talent with words and I look forward to discovering how your happy fool notions unfold. Much love to you my friend!